Tuesday, December 13, 2011

just reopened my etsy shop this week!!!
here's my quilt & a new banner featured in my
shop. finally getting around to this& having the inventory
to do it feels encouraging.... we'll see if it works!!


Friday, December 9, 2011

card making day! coffee, my sewing machine, paper& my beloved cello sleeves.  i'm so happy. this is one of my favorite things to do.... i've been collecting fun papers, envelopes& images almost my whole life. i just love finding things from all over; posters from lampposts, packages of beautiful origami paper, stamps & books to rip into. i think it's the act of making this 'collection' into something useful that i appreciate the most.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

worker b.

a few wallets from my frenzied preparation for weeks of shows. i'm really happy with them and have sold quite a few. i have one more show this saturday& then on to etsy with what's left. i'm so grateful for the time i've had to be sewing& learning new tricks, for wool hunting with lisa, & espresso brownies from the girls upstairs. i am one lucky girl. with lots of things to sell.